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Colour Recipe: Infinity Combined Army

Colour Recipe: Infinity Combined Army

Here are some Color Recipes for the Combined Army. Please take note that this is a simple color scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

BLACK/GREY armour & weapons:

Black Undercoat,

Panzer Dark Grey (Val),*

Fenrisian Grey (GW), l&p

Pallid Wych Flesh (GW), l&p

Dark Tone Ink (AP),

Pallid Wych Flesh (GW), l&p

ORANGE fibers:

Mix: Hot Orange (Val) 1:1 Heavy Orange (Val)

Heavy Orange (Val), flbr, l&p

Mix: Strong+Soft 6:3:1 Bloodletter (GW), Medium, wash

Skin Tone (val), l

Hot Orange (val a), bl

Skin Tone (val), p


Satchel Brown (AP), bl

Khaki (AP), l&p

PURPLE blades:

Warlord Purple (Val a), bl

Squid Pink (Val), l&p

Warlord Purple (Val a), bl

Off White (Val), l&p


Tan (Val),

Anthea Skin (Val), flbr

Skin Tone (Val), l&p

Mix Purple Tone Ink (AP) 2:1:1 Strong Tone Ink (AP), Medium, wash

Skin Tone (Val), l&p


Bloody Land (AK Interactive), texture

Heavy Orange (Val), drbr

Alien Fire Tufts (Gamers Grass),

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

flbr – flatbrush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

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