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Colour Recipes: Infinity Panoceania

Colour Recipes: Infinity Panoceania

Here are some Colour Recipes for Infinity Panoceania from GALLERY: INFINITY NEOTERRA lvl 5. Please take note that this is a simple colour scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends inbetween, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guidline not a step-by-step.

BLUE armour:

Black Undercoat,

French Blue (VAL),*

Light Sea Blue (Val),*

Mix Light Sea Blue (Val) 8:3 White,*

Mix Guilliman blue (GW) 1:1:1 Blue Tone Ink (AP), Lahmian Medium (GW),

Pale Wych Flesh (GW) l&p,

Light Sea Blue (Val) glaze,

White glaze & l&p,

Black Wash (Val) deep lining,

CREME/BROWN clothes:

Karak Stone (GW),

Flayed One Flesh (GW),

Flayed One Flesh (GW),

Mix Strong Tone Ink (AP) 1:1:1 Soft Tone Ink (AP), Lahmian Medium (GW),

Flayed One Flesh (GW) l&p

Mix Flayed One Flesh (GW) 1:1 Pale Wych Flesh (GW) l&p,

Dark Brown Wash (Val) deep lining,


Bugmans Glow (GW),

Dwarf Flesh (GW),

Mix Dwarf Flesh (GW) 1:1 Elf Skintone (Val),

Elf Skintone (Val) l&p,

Mix Strong Tone Ink (AP) 1:1 Soft Tone Ink (AP),

Flesh (Val) l&p,

RED helmets:

Sanguine Base (P3),

Mephiston Red (GW),

Evil Sunz Scarlet (GW),

Red Tone Ink (AP),

Bloodletter (GW) glaze points,

Troll Slayer Orange (GW) l&p,

Lugganath Orange (GW) l&p,

RED lights:

Evil Sunz Scarlet (GW),

Troll Slayer Orange (GW),

Lugganath Orange (GW) p,

Pale Wych Flesh (GW) p,

Bloodletter (GW),

Lugganath Orange (GW) p,


Administratum Grey (GW),

/ Skeleton Bone (AP),

Mix Skeleton Bone (AP) 1:1 Pale Wych Flesh (GW),

/Frostbite (P3) drbr,

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

drbr – drybrush,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)







5 comments so far

VicentePosted on4:34 pm - Apr 2, 2017

Hey, I dont know if you´re going to see this, but i would love to see a step by step on painting panoceanian troops… I tried many times but i dont seem to achieve good results without an airbrush, but your panos are soooo good…. if you have the time, could you please make the step by step? Or at least explain the method in here? Thank you so much!
Btw, sorry for my bad english, its not my mother language

    NazrothPosted on5:53 pm - Apr 2, 2017

    Hi and thanks for comment.
    The method showed above requires airbrush to prepare base armour colour. Would be very difficult to achieve good results without one. Airbrush will let you paint base armour in few layers instead of a dozen.
    As for step by step – maybe will make one with another bunch of Pano troops, once they hit the desk, but can’t promise. I have a lot of work lately, and step-by-step is very time consuming, also requires to put the miniature down, take pictures and so on – takes me out of the mood for painting.
    I strongly recommend to see some of this guy’s tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTfnfIY3Kyxcv8sWck4sxvQ Once you get the basics you can then use my colour recipee to achieve similar results with ease.

      VicentePosted on11:46 pm - Apr 2, 2017

      Thank you for taking the time to answer me, Nazroth 😀 Do you think that painting the base colour would be easier (without airbrush) if undercoating with grey, or it will change the end result too much? Thanks for the suggestion, i’ve never seen that channel!! I absolutely love your work, here and in the old blog

        NazrothPosted on12:40 am - Apr 3, 2017

        If you go without an airbrush I suggest to go either dark grey, light grey, light grey + white, then 2x Blue Wash, or go dark blue, medium blue, light blue and 1x Blue Wash. I wouldn't suggest the mix mentioned in the recipe above, but use the pure Blue Wash instead. Miniatures would come out darker, but with regular brush you will have that juicy colour at your disposal, to further highlight it on the edges. Just pick some colours that you think look nice once beside other, so that they follow a nice transition. Wash will do the rest ;)

          VicentePosted on2:02 am - Apr 3, 2017

          Man, you dont know how much you’ve helped me xD i really, really apreciate your advice and quickness!!!! Blue is still my nemesis colour, and i hope to change that thanks to you 🙂 Keep up the good work! 😀

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