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Colour Recipes: Horus Heresy Salamanders

Here are some Colour Recipes for Horus Heresy Mechanicum from Gallery: Salamanders. Please take note that this is a simple colour scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

GREEN armor:

Dark Green (Val a), *

Sick Green (Val a), *

Duck Egg Green (Val a), *

Light Livery Green (Val a), * bl

Green Tone (AP), * bl

BLACK shoulder guards:

Panzer Dark Grey (Val a),

Strong Tone (AP), wash

Ghost Grey (Val), flbr [on detail such as logo]

Dark Tone (AP), wash

BLACK vehicle plate:

Pancer Dark Grey (Val a), *

Cold Grey (Val a), *

Black Wash for Vehicles (Val), *


Charred Brown (Val a), *


White (Val a), * stencil

Golden Yellow (Val a), *

Hot Orange (Val a), *

Red Tone (AP), * underline


Rust (Val a),

Greedy Gold (AP), flbr

Strong Tone (AP), wash


Rust (AP a),

Gun Metal (AP), flbr

Shining Metal (AP), flbr

Strong Tone Ink (AP),


Dark Earth (AK Interactive), texture

Wasteland Tufts (The Army Painter)

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

flbr – flatbrush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

I hope you find this tutorial interesting. Be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments below, or at Facebook or Instagram. I would also appreciate it if you considered sharing this content with your friends, who might find it useful. Finally if you are looking for a professional miniatures painting service, be sure to contact me with this contact form. I always reply within 24 hours, after which please check out your spam folder.

Colour Recipe: Infinity Combined Army

Here are some Color Recipes for the Combined Army. Please take note that this is a simple color scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

BLACK/GREY armour & weapons:

Black Undercoat,

Panzer Dark Grey (Val),*

Fenrisian Grey (GW), l&p

Pallid Wych Flesh (GW), l&p

Dark Tone Ink (AP),

Pallid Wych Flesh (GW), l&p

ORANGE fibers:

Mix: Hot Orange (Val) 1:1 Heavy Orange (Val)

Heavy Orange (Val), flbr, l&p

Mix: Strong+Soft 6:3:1 Bloodletter (GW), Medium, wash

Skin Tone (val), l

Hot Orange (val a), bl

Skin Tone (val), p


Satchel Brown (AP), bl

Khaki (AP), l&p

PURPLE blades:

Warlord Purple (Val a), bl

Squid Pink (Val), l&p

Warlord Purple (Val a), bl

Off White (Val), l&p


Tan (Val),

Anthea Skin (Val), flbr

Skin Tone (Val), l&p

Mix Purple Tone Ink (AP) 2:1:1 Strong Tone Ink (AP), Medium, wash

Skin Tone (Val), l&p


Bloody Land (AK Interactive), texture

Heavy Orange (Val), drbr

Alien Fire Tufts (Gamers Grass),

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

flbr – flatbrush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

I hope you find this tutorial interesting. Be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments below, or at Facebook or Instagram. I would also appreciate it if you considered sharing this content with your friends, who might find it useful. Finally if you are looking for a professional miniatures painting service, be sure to contact me with this contact form. I always reply within 24 hours, after which please check out your spam folder.

Colour Recipes: Infinity Varuna

Here are some Color Recipes for Infinity Varuna. Please take note that this is a simple color scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

Purple Armor:

Mix Alien Purple (val) 1:1 Water, *

Lustful Purple (val), flbr

Mix Deep Purple (val xp) 3:1-1:1 Water, wash

Lustful Purple (val), l&p

Mix Lustful Purple (val) 1:1 Warm Grey (val), l&p

Turquoise Armor:

Hydra Turquoise (ap),

Aquamarine (val), flbr

Mix Snake Green (val xp) 1:3 Water, wash

Verdigris (val), l

Verdigris (val), p

Black Armor:

Panzer Dark Grey (val a),

Fenrisian Grey (gw), flbr

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), flbr

Dark Tone Ink (ap), wash

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), l&p

Off White (val), l&p


Tan (val),

Mix 1:1 Tan (val), Dwarf Flesh (val a), flbr

Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash

Dwarf Flesh (val a), l&p


Gorgon Brown (val),

Khaki (val), flbr

Copper Brown (val xp), wash

Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash

Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash


Aquamarine (val),

Verdigris (val), p

Dark Turquoise (val ink), wash

Verdigris (val), p

l&p – lines and points,

l – lines, edge highlights,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

flbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

Colour Recipes: Warhammer 40,000 Tau Empire

Here are some Color Recipes for Warhammer 40,000 Tau Empire from Gallery: Tau Empire. Please take note that this is a simple color scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

White Armor:

Desert Tan (val primer),

White (val primer),

Scrofulous Brown (val),* stencil stripes

White (val), scratches

Clothes / Mesh:

Panzer Dark Grey (val a) *

– White Armor –

Panzer Dark Grey (val a), wash

Cold Grey (val a), flbr

CLOTHES: Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash


Panzer Dark Grey (val a),

Cold Grey (val), weathering, edge highlight


Smokey Ink (val), stpl

Desert Yellow (val a),*

German Red Brown (val primer), *

Blue OSL:

Light Sea Blue (val a), bl / *
White (val), l&p
Guilliman Blue (gw), glaze


German Red Brown (val primer),

Mix Martian Ironcrust (gw texture) 1:1 Martian Ironearth (gw texture), texture

Orange Fire (val), flbr

Lugganath Orange (gw), drbr

TUFT: Army Painter Wasteland Tuft

TUFT: Gamers Grass Burned Tuft

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

flbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

Colour Recipes: Warhammer 40,000 Adeptus Mechanicus

Here are some Color Recipes for Warhammer 40,000 Adeptus Mechanicus from Gallery: Adeptus Mechanicus. Please take note that this is a simple color scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.


Rust (val a),*

Gun Metal (ap), flbr

Shining Silver (ap), flbr

True Copper (ap), alternative spots

Strong Tone (ap), wash / wash*

Shining Silver (ap), l&p

RED Vehicles:

German Red Brown (val primer), *

Desert Tan (val primer), *preshade

Mix: German Red Brown 1:1 Red RLM 23 (val a),*

Bonewhite (val a), stencil stripes

Smokey Ink (val), weathering

Red Clothes:

Hull Red (val),

Strong Tone (ap), wash / wash*

German Red Brown (val primer), flbr, bl

German Red Brown (val primer), bl, edges

Scarlet Blood (val), edges

Black Clothes:

Panzer Dark Grey (val a),

Fenrisian Grey (gw), flbr

Hero: Ghost Grey (val), l&p

Strong Tone (ap), wash

Hero: Ghost Grey (val), l&p

Hero: Off White (val), l&p

Blue Light:

Light Sea Blue (val a), *

White (val a), *

Guilliman Blue (gw), wash

Off White (val), l&p

Purity Seals:

Hull Red (val),

Strong Tone (ap), wash

Rosy Flesh (val), p


Flayed One Flesh (gw),

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), flbr

Strong Tone (ap), wash

Black markings,


Ghost Grey (val),

Strong Tone (ap), wash

Ghost Grey (val), p


Tan (val),

Dwarf Flesh (gw), flbr

Flesh (val a),

Strong Tone (ap), wash

Hero: Flesh (val), l&p

Hero: Pale Flesh (val), l&p


Earth (val a), *

Light Brown (val a), *

European Dust (val), *

Sandy Desert (AK texture),

Ice Yellow (val), drbr, flbr,

TUFT: Wasteland Tuft (ap),

TUFT: Burned 6mm wild (gg),

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

flbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

Colour Recipes: Warhammer 40,000 Crimson Fists

Here are some Colour Recipes for Warhammer 40,000 Crimson Fists from Gallery: Crimson Fists. Please take note that this is a simple colour scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

BLUE armor:

Black undercoat,

French Blue (val a), * around

Mix Ultramarine Blue (val a) 5:2 Light Sea Blue (Val a), * from top, points focused

Black Wash for Vehicles (val), * from bottom, points focused

Hoeth Blue (gw), l&p

Glacier Blue (val), p

RED armor:

Hull Red (val),

Burnt Red (val)

Flat Red (val), l&p, highlight flbr (x3)

Lugganath Orange (gw), l&p

Vehicles: Flat Red (val), stpl (large areas)

DARK mesh:

Panzer Dark Grey (val a),

Fenrisian Grey (gw), l&p

Dark Tone Ink (ap),

Glacier Blue (val), l&p / Ghost Grey for vehicles)


Warplock Bronze (gw),

True Copper (ap) / Gun Metal (ap), flbr

Shining Metal (ap), l&p

Strong Tone Ink (ap),

Shining Metal (ap), l&p

BROWN detail:

Burnt Umber (val a),

Karak Stone (gw) l, detail filling,

Off White (val), l&p

Dark Olive Drab (val a), bl

Flayed One Flesh (gw), l&p

Mix: Strong Tone Ink (ap) 1:1:1 Soft Tone Ink (ap), Flesh Tone Ink (ap),

Flayed One Flesh (gw), l&p


Karak Stone (gw),

Flayed One Flesh (gw), flbr

Mix: Off White (val) 1:2 Skeleton Bone (ap), flbr

Strong Tone Ink

Off White (val), l&p


White (val a), *

Hot Orange (val a), *

Off White (val), l&p

Hot Orange (val a), bl


Flat Red (val),

Lugganath Orange (gw), dots

Hot Orange (val a), glaze

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

flbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

Colour Recipes: Infinity O-12

Here are some Colour Recipes for Infinity O-12 from Gallery: Infinity O-12. Please take note that this is a simple colour scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

BLACK armor:

Chaos Black, undercoat

Pancer Dark Grey (Val a), *

Fenrisian Grey (GW), flbr

Pale Wych Flesh (GW), flbr, l&p

Dark Tone Ink (AP), wash

Pale Wych Flesh (GW), l&p

WHITE armor:

Mix Ghost Grey (Val) 1:1 Wolf Grey (Val a),

Mix Ghost Grey (Val) 1:1 Wolf Grey (Val a),

White (Val a), bl

Off White (Val), bl, l&p

BROWN clothes:

Black Armor base,

Dark Brown (Val A), bl

Mix Strong Tone Ink (AP) 1:1 Soft Tone Ink (AP), wash

Karak Stone (GW), l&p

BLUE elements:

French Blue (val a),

Ultramarine Blue (val a), l

Heth Blue (gw), l&p

Glacier Blue (val), l&p

Emerald (Val),

Mix Emerald (Val) x:x Off White (Val), l&p

TURQUOISE helmet dots,
Coelia Greenshade (GW),


Coal Black (P3), *

Turquoise (Val), *

Turquoise (Val), l

Pale Wych Flesh (GW), l

Duck Egg Green (Val a), OSL

Light Livery Green (Val a), OSL

Off White (Val), l

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

fltbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

Colour Recipes: Warhammer 40,000 Genestealer Cult

Here are some Colour Recipes for Infinity Haqqislam from GALLERY: GENESTEALER CULTS. Please take note that this is a simple colour scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

BLUE armor:

Black Undercoat,

Imperial Blue (val),*

Mix: Imperial Blue (val) 4:1 Electric Blue (val),*

Electric Blue (val),*

Mix: Electric Blue (val) 1:3 White,*

Blue Tone Ink (ap),

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), l&p

Off White (val), l&p


Warplock Bronze (gw),

Gun Metal (ap), / True Copper (ap), flbr

Shining Silver (ap), l&p

Mix: Strong Tone Ink (ap) 1:1 Soft Tone Ink (ap),

Streaking Grime (ak int),

PURPLE skin:

Black Undercoat,

Alien Purple (val),

Mix: Alien Purple (val) 2:1 Squid Pink (val), flbr

Mix: Alien Purple (val) 1:1:1 Squid Pink (val), Pale Flesh (val), flbr

Purple Tone Ink (ap),

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), l&p

Off White (val), l&p


Alien Purple (val a),

Dwarf Skin (val a), flbr

Flesh (val a), flbr

Mix: Purple Tone Ink (ap) 1:1:1:1, Strong Tone Ink (ap), Soft Tone Ink (ap), Medium,

BLACK/GREY outfits:

Black Undercoat,

Panzer Dark Grey (val),

Cold Grey (val), flbr

Fenrisian Grey (gw), flbr

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), l&p

Mix Strong Tone Ink (ap) 1:1 Soft Tone Ink (ap),

Pallid Wych Flesh (GW), l&p

Off White (Val), l&p

BROWN clothes:

Grey Outfits base,

Dark Brown RLM61 (val), bl

Mix Strong Tone Ink (ap) 1:1 Soft Tone Ink (ap),

Karak Stone (gw), l&p

Flayed One Flesh (gw), l&p

GREEN light:

Duck Egg Green (val a),

Off White (val), l&p

Light Livery Green (val a),*

Waywatcher Green (gw), wash

Off White (val), l&p

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

fltbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

Colour Recipes: Horus Heresy Mechanicum Zhao Arkhad

Here are some Colour Recipes for Horus Heresy Mechanicum from Gallery: Forge World Zhao Arkhad. Please take note that this is a simple colour scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

BRONZE armor:

Black Undercoat,

Mix Rust (val a) 1:1 Metallic Black (val a), *

Bright Bronze (val a), * zenithal

Shining Silver (ap), flbr

Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash / *

Shining Silver (ap), l&p

Soft Tone Ink (ap), wash dedicated

… GREEN metallic:

Jade Green (val), bl

TURQUOISE clothes:

Coal Black (p3),

Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash

Coal Black (p3),

Mix Coal Black (p3) 1:1 Turquoise (val), flbr

Mix Coal Black (p3) 1:2 Turquoise (val), bl

Turquoise (val), l&p

Ice Yellow (val), bottom drbr


Slaanesh Grey (gw),

Flesh (val a), flbr

Pale Flesh (val), l&p

Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash

Pale Flesh (val), l&p


Flayed One Flesh (gw),

Ivory (val), flbr

Strong Tone Ink (ap), wash

Skeleton Bone (ap), l&p

Off White (val), l&p

GREEN osl:

Duck Egg Green (val a), *

Light Livery Green (val a), *

Off White (val), l*p

Waywatcher Green (gw), bl

DESERT bases:

Desert Sand (val texture), texture

Khaki (val a), * stones

Ice Yellow (val), drbr

Wasteland Tuft (ap),
Steppe Tuft 12mm (Paint Forge),
Steppe Tuft 6mm (Paint Forge),

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

fltbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)

Colour Recipes: Blood Bowl Thunder Valley Greenskins (Paleskins)

Here are some Colour Recipes for Blood Bowl Black Orcs team from Gallery: Thunder Valley Paleskins. Please take note that this is a simple colour scheme, not covering multiple overlapping layers and blends in between, that lead to the final product. It is supposed to be used as guideline not a step-by-step.

PALE skin:

Mix: Tan (val) 1:3:3 Flesh (val a), Squid Pink (val a), *

Flesh (val a), *

Pale Flesh (val a), *

Mix: Volupus Pink (gw) 1:5 Glaze Medium (gw),

Mix: Volupus Pink (gw) 1:5:1 Glaze Medium (gw), Purple Tone Ink (ap), deep lines

Mix: Volupus Pink (gw) 1:5:1 Glaze Medium (gw), Red Tone Ink (ap), deep lines

Pale Flesh (val), l&p

METAL armour:

Warplock Bronze (gw),

Gun Metal (ap),

Shining Silver (ap), l&p

Mix Strong Tone Ink (ap) 1:1 Soft Tone Ink (ap),

Shining Silver (ap), l&p

RED armour:

Red Terracotta (val), stpl

Flat Red (val), stpl

Strong Tone Ink (ap),

Orange Fire (val), stpl

Flat Red (val), bl

BROWN belts & strips:

Red Terracotta (val),

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), flbr

Off White (val), l&p

Mix: Scorched Brown (val) 1:1:1 Dark Fleshtone (val), Medium,

Mix: Strong Tone Ink (ap) 1:1 Soft Tone Ink (ap),

GREY clothes:

Panzer DK. Grey (val),

Fenrisian Grey (gw), flbr

Pallid Wych Flesh (gw), l&p

Strong Tone Ink (ap),

Off White (val), l&p


Dark Earth (ak texture),

Karak Stone (gw), drbr

Flayed One Flesh (gw), flbr

l&p – lines and points,

p – points,

dl – deep lining,

bl – blend,

gl – glaze,

drbr – drybrush,

fltbr – flatbrush,

lobr – loaded brush,

stpl – stippling,

*Airbrushed (with multiple layers and mixes)