This Special Project features a Nomad Iguana TAG from Infinity the Game. The history behind this piece is this: An approximately year ago there was a global event called Operation Flamestrike. During the event players from around the globe gamed against each other to achieve long term goals for their factions. I had an honour of getting to know many Nomad brothers. We fought back to back against the odds and ultimately obtained the podium. During the war of Operation Flamestrike many friendships started. From time to time a Nomad brother contacts me with a job related to Operation Flamestrike. That’s how I ended up painting this lvl 5 ‘Witness Me!’ piece, adorned with our Nomadic war cry ‘Go Go Nomads!’. The miniature is supposed to be gamed with, but I added a scenic display base so that when not in combat, it will be resting properly. So, that’s the story of ‘Go Go Nomads! Iguana’ Special Project…
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