• contact@scarhandpainting.com



Use this chart and Ctrl+f to compare paints between different suppliers.

GWGW (old)VallejoVallejoAPP3
Games Workshop (new)Games Workshop (old)Vallejo Game ColorVallejo Model ColorArmy PainterP3
White ScarSkull WhiteDead White (001)White (951)Matt White (WP1102)Morrow white
Ceramite WhiteSmelly PrimerWhite Primer (002)Foundation White (919) Morrow white
Kislev fleshPallid FleshPale Flesh (003)Light Flesh (928)Kobold SkinRyn Flesh
Bestigor FleshElf FleshElf Skintone (004)Flat Flesh (955)  
Dorn yellow 2Bad Moon YellowBad Moon Yellow (005)Lemon Yellow (952)  
Flash Gitz YellowSunburst YellowSunblast Yellow (006)Flat YellowDemonic Yelow (WP1107) 
Yriel YellowGolden YellowGold Yellow (007)Golden Yellow (948) Heartfire
Tallarn SandDesert YellowDesert Yellow (063)Dark Yellow (978)Desert Yellow (WP1121) 
Jokaero OrangeMacharius Solar OrangeHeavy Orange (152)German Orange (805)  
Fire Dragon BrightFiery OrangeOrange Fire (008)Light Orange (911)Prison Jumpsuit (WP1211 Zombiecide) 
Troll Slayer OrangeBlazing OrangeHot Orange (009)Scarlet (817)Mythical Orange (WP1442) 
Mephiston RedMechrite RedHeavy Red (141)Red (926)Vampire Red (WP1460) 
Evil Sunz ScarletBlood RedBloody Red (010)Vermillion (909)Pure Red (WP1104) 
Wild Rider Red   Mars Red (WP1436) 
Wazdakka RedRed GoreGory Red (011)Cavalry Brown (982)Dragon Red (WP1105) 
Khorne RedScab RedScarlett Red (012)Carmine Red (908)Chaotic Red (WP1142) (too dark/brown) 
Emperor’s ChildrenTentacle PinkSquid Pink (013)Pink (958) Carnal Pink
Screamer PinkWarlock PurpleWarlord Purple (014)Magenta (945) Murderous Magenta
Xereus PurpleLiche PurpleHexed Lichen (015)Royal Purple (810)Alien Purple (WP1128)Beaten Purple
Naggaroth NightImperial PurpleRoyal Purple (016)Royal Purple (810)  
 Nauseating BlueSick Blue (017)Violet 2 (960) Bad Bruise
 Storm BlueStormy Blue (018)Blue (925)  
 Midnight BlueNight Blue (019)Dark sea blue  
Kantor BlueRegal BlueImperial Blue (020)Dark Prussian blueDeep Blue (WP1116) 
Altdorf Guard BlueUltramarine BlueUltra Marine Blue (022)Ultramarine (839)Ultramarine Blue (WP1115) 
Macragge BlueMordian BlueHeavy Blue (143)Prussian Blue (965)  
Caledor SkyEnchanted BlueMagic Blue (021)Dark Blue (930)Crystal BlueCygnar Blue Highlight
Lothern BlueIce BlueIce Blue (095)Azure 2 (902)/ Deep Sky BlueVoidshield Blue (WP1452) 
Teclis BlueLightning Bolt BlueElectric Blue (023)Sky Blue (961)Electric Blue (WP1113) 
Sotek GreenHawk TurquoiseFalcon Turquoise (024)Light Turquoise (840)Hydra Turquoise (WP1141)Meredius Blue
Sybarite GreenVile GreenFoul Green (025)Park Green Flat (969)  
Kabalite GreenJade GreenJade Green (026)Emerald (838) Eldritch
 Scaly GreenScurf/Scurvey Green (027)Emerald (838)  
Caliban GreenDark Angels GreenDark Green (028)Deep Green (970)Angel Green (WP1112)Gnarls Green
Warpstone GlowSnot GreenSick Green (029)Intermediate Green (891) Ioson Green
Warboss GreenGoblin GreenGoblin Green (030)Pastel Green (885)Goblin Green (WP1109) 
Elysian GreenCamo GreenCamouflage Green (031)Olive Green (967)  
Moot GreenScorpion GreenScorpy Green (032)Light Green (942) Necrotite Green
 Bilious GreenLivery Green (033)Yellow Green 2 (954)  
Castellan GreenCatachan GreenCayman Green (067)Olive Grey (888)  
Waaagh! FleshOrkhide ShadeHeavy Blackgreen (147)Black Green (980)  
Loren ForestKnarloc GreenHeavy Green (146)Luftwaffe Ca. Green (823)Army Green (WP1110) 
Deathworld ForestGretchin GreenHeavy Khaki (149)Russian Uniform WW2 (70.924)Venom Wyrm (WP1461) 
Straken Green     
Nurgling GreenRotting FleshDead Flesh (035)Green skyNecrotic FleshJack Bone
Ushabti BoneBleached BoneBonewhite (034)Buff (976)Skeleton Bone (WP1125)Menoth White Base
Zandri DustKommando KhakiKhaki (061)G. Cam.Beige (821)  
Pallid Wych Flesh     
Screaming Skull  Ivory (918) Menoth White Highlight
 Bronzed FleshBronze Flesh (036)Dark Flesh (927)  
Tau Light OchreVomit BrownFilthy Brown (037)Beige Red 2 Rucksack Tan
Ratskin FleshDwarf FleshDwarf Skin (041)Brown SandBarbarian Flesh (WP1126) 
Bugman’s GlowTanned FleshTan (066) Tanned Flesh (WP1127 )Khardic Flesh
 Leprous BrownScrofulous Brown (038)Gold Brown (877)  
Zamesi DesertBubonic BrownPlague Brown (039)Yellow Ochre (913) Moldy Ochre
Balor BrownSnakebite LeatherCobra Leather /Leather Brown (040)Brown Sand (876)  
Balor BrownTausept OchreHeavy Ochre (150)Ochre Brown (856)  
Skrag BrownVermin BrownParasite Brown (042)Orange Brown (981)  
Rhinox HideScorched BrownCharred Brown (045)Burnt Umber (941) 2 Umbral Umber
Doombull BrownDark FleshDark Fleshtone (044)Mahogany Brown (846)  
Baneblade BrownKhemri BrownHeavy Brown (153)Green Brown  
Mournfang BrownBestial BrownBeasty Brown (043)Flat Brown (984) Bloodtracker Brown
Mournfang BrownCalthan BrownHeavy Siena (154)Flat Brown (984)  
XV-88TerracottaTerracotta (065)   
Steel Legion DrabGraveyard EarthEarth (062)US field drabLeather Brown (WP1123)Gun Corps Brown
Karak StoneKommando KhakiKhaki (061)German Cam. Beige WWII (821) Hammerfall Khaki
Ulthuan greyGhostly GreyGhost Grey (046)Flat Aluminum (993)  
Fenrisian GreySpace Wolves GreyWolf Grey (047)Pale Greyblue (907) Frostbite
The FangShadow GreySombre Grey (048)Oxford Blue (807)Wolf Grey (WP1119) 
Administratum GreyFortress GreyStonewall Grey (049)Pale Grey Blue (907)Ash Grey (WP1117) 
DawnstoneCodex GreyCold Grey (050)Basalt Grey (869)Uniform Grey (WP1118) 
Mechanicus Standard GreyAdeptus BattlegreyHeavy Grey 2Russian Unif. (924) Great Coat Grey
Celestra GreyAstronomicon GreyHeavy Bluegrey (144)Pale Blue Grey (905) Underbelly Blue
Abaddon BlackChaos BlackChaos Black / Black (051)Black (950)Matt Black (WP1101)Thamar Black
Runefang SteelMithril SilverMithril Silver / Silver (052)Silver (997)Shining Silver (WP1129)Quicksilver
IronbreakerChainmailChain Mail (053)Natural Steel (864)Plate Mail Metal (WP1130)Cold steel
LeadbelcherBoltgun MetalGunmetal / Gunmetal Metal (054)Gunmetal Grey (863)Machinegun Metal (WP1221)Pig Iron
Auric Armour GoldBurnished GoldGlorious Gold (056)Gold (996)Bright Gold (WP1231)Brass Balls
Gehenna’s GoldShining GoldPolished Gold (055)Old Gold (878)Greedy Gold (WP1132)Solid Gold
Hashut CopperDwarf BronzeBright Bronze (057)Bronze (998)Weapon Bronze (WP1133)Molten bronze
Runelord brassBrazen BrassBrassy Brass (058)Brass (801)  
Brass scorpionBeaten CopperHammered Copper (059)Copper (999)  
Warplock BronzeTin BitzTinny Tin (060)  Deathless Metal
 Black InkBlack Ink (94)   
 Dark Green InkGreen Ink (89)   
 Flesh Wash    
 Magenta Ink    
 Purple InkViolet Ink (87)   
Stormvermin FurCharadon GraniteHeavy Charcoal (155)German Grey (995) Bastion grey
Rakarth FleshDheneb StoneHeavy Warmgrey 2(148) Drake Tooth (WP1417)? 
Daemonette HideHormagaunt PurpleHeavy Violet (142)Violet (960)  
Averland SunsetIyanden DarksunHeavy Goldbrown (151)Goldbrown (877) Sulferic yellow
Cadian FleshtoneTallarn FleshHeavy Skintone (140)Brown Rose  
Drakenhof NightshadeAsurmen Blue WashBlue Shade Wash (73207) Blue Tone Ink (WP1139) 
Carroburg CrimsonBaal Red WashRed Shade Wash (73206) Red Tone Ink (WP1138) 
Nuln OilBadab Black WashBlack Wash (73201) Dark Tone Ink (WP1136)Armor Wash
Agrax EarthshadeDevlan Mud WashUmber Shade Wash (73203) Strong Tone Wash (WP1135)Muddy Wash
Seraphim SepiaGryphonne Sepia WashSepia Wash (73200) Soft Tone Ink (WP1134) 
Druchii VioletLeviathan Purple Wash4 Pale Grey Shade Wash (73202) Purple Tone Ink (WP1140) 
Reikland FleshshadeOgryn Flesh WashFleshtone Shade Wash (73204) Flesh Wash (WP1143) 
Biel-Tan Green Green Wash Green Tone Wash (WP1137) 
Baharroth Blue Edge (Edge)   Toxic Mist (WP1437)Arcane Blue
Gauss Blaster Green (Edge)     
Dorn Yellow (Edge)     
Fulgrim Pink (Edge)     
Flayed One Flesh (Edge)     
Dechala Lilac (Edge)   Oozing Purple (WP1445) 
Kreig Khaki (Edge)   Necrotic Flesh (WP1108) 
Blue Horror (Edge)   Gorgon Hide (WP1428) 
Lugganath Orange (Edge)   Centuar Skin (WP1408) 

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