The story of “The Colony” Special Project is closing to an end. In FOUR’th part of this article I’ve started to add detail to all my buildings. The quantity of vents and additional stuff was so enormous, that I had to support with a help of a friend, to prepare all of them – still it took more than a week to complete. Once vents were in place I started to paint all the buildings, which was a challenge in it’s own way. I never imagined that painting buildings can be so exhausting and so many mistakes can be made during such a (should be) easy and relaxating task. Still – I was confronted with the ‘unexpected’ and had to improvise more than couple of times…
Before we proceed to actual ‘painting stuff’ it is vital for me to continue where I’ve finished “The Colony” Special Project part FOUR. I’ve introduced you to ‘Astro-Gastro Center’, which was one of my table’s centerpieces. A single picture is not enough to show the number of detailed food boths added all around the building…
The idea was born out of necessity. After deciding to differentiate both of the ‘big’ buildings – I had to find a nice theme for this one. I had a lot of trash and leftovers from purchased terrain sets. I was also supported with couple rare pieces (like Zen Terrain’s food both signboards) provided by a friend. I’ve picked the best pieces and decided to build the theme around them, for this building to be at least as special as the ‘GO GO NOMADS’ night club.
It started with some small adjustements to the building’s walls. Once I had the boths made and in place – I started to add some small elements to try to give each both a special theme.
One day’s work resulted in Astro-Gastro Center being born out of scratch.
I’ve been already head to toe in building stuff, so I decided not to stop at decorating the buildings, but also work at adding some high placed spots, for snipers, forward obserwers and linked ‘shooty’ troops. Not too much – just enought to raise the area of play – one level up. I used what was left of my MDF pieces, added some Plasticard and prepared these, fully detachable advertisement banners. As a filler I used the only thing that I had around – the Scar_hand Painting bussiness cards 🙂
[I have already played on these – they have a nice impact on gaming style, along with just being useful).
Now I can focus on the actual painting, which started just as it always does – with a proper undercoat. For my colour scheme I require three strong layers of undercoat. It starts with grey, proceeds through either creeme/bone or soft grey and finally get’s whitened with Games Workshop’s Skull White spray. Skull white is vital to the overall looks of this Colour Scheme, as it’s really white and matt. It goes well with MDF terrain, covering all with a nice, strong layer. Whole process of undercoating ate an entire day – with me sitting on a balcony, spraying each individual terrain piece – one after another. Three rounds of undercoating, with my nosdrills clogged, eyes irritated and head on a verge of exploding. At least my neighbors did not protest about the smell…
One day later the regular ‘painting’ started. It took three days of labour with a lot of painting and not much sleep. I used an Airbrush, while a regular brush applying some Fire Hot Orange to keep up with my table’s main theme (Orange + White/Creeme + Greenery). I used a masking tape for this – providing some curious, industrial shapes on the roofs and walls of all buildings. I also used a colour wheel to check out which colour will go well along with orange/green in a tri-colour scheme. The wheel told me that purple-pink should do, so I decided to try it out on ‘GO GO NOMADS!” night club. (which I actually regret by now as while ‘solo’ the building looks just ugly as fuck :P).
Another ‘layer’ was composed of sandy yellow and soft brown. I applied them both in certain hexes along the roofs and in much smaller quantity over the walls.
Finally added some blood splatters and grease, which sounds pretty easy if not taking their enormous quantity and dimensions of the buildings I had to work with.
I also added some soft points od dust and dirt along with smudges here and there. Then decided to fill all vents with dark brown/rust Vallejo effect and add more smudges – comming out of them.
My work is finally done and I have mixed feelings about the end result. While the entirety of “The Colony” presents itself great – particular buldings require some additional work. Especially the infamous “GO GO NOMADS!” night club is one to build up my concerns – will surely make some corrects and keep working on it in the days to come. A proper gallery is under construction but now I can provide you with this small sample of how “The Colony” looks like.
See you in “The Colony” Special Project part SIX next week 😉
I’m back with another Infinity Battle Report! Such articles are uncommon here, cause this is clearly a site about painting miniatures – still what would painting mean if not for gaming in the end?
I went on a short vacation, on a trip to 3city (Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot – all located over the Baltic Sea, up notrh from Toruń, where I currently live). As it happened – I took my miniatures with me and used free time to game some Infinity. One of my ventures took me to Micro Art Studio’s headquarters, where i visited my friends. I was given a chance to play one game against Micro Art Studio, represented by Jan Horydowiec aka ‘Jezus’. For the sole purpose of this game, a splendid gaming table was prepared, with use of all the cool stuff made by Micro Art Studio and presented at Kickstarter, early this year! Well, ain’t I lucky?!
When I was taken to the MAS’s Gaming Room – I was awed. So many fantastic terrain pieces. Almost one half of the walls was covered with shelves from top to botom, and each shelf was filled with masterpieces. The table itself looked just amazing and I was shocked to see how superior these terrain pieces really were. Kickstarter does bearly cover the amount of AWESOME that I myself have witnessed.
LOCATION: Zhurong Power Plant, Flamia Island
SCENARIO: ARMIES: Seize the Antennas
ARMIES: Nazroth, Corregidor vs Jezus, Qapu Khalqi
The game itself started with me being so impressed by my surroundings, that I almost exploded! Jezus in the other hand was rather calm and at ease. I now can’t help but wander – what does he felt like, seeing me adrenalized to the point of overheating, spilling thousand word per second etc… Well, at least he is a Nomad player so he had some experience dealing with freaks like me…
Either way – I asked him to use an alternative army, so that in case I won – the points will be scored for the RED team in Operation Flamestrike. He picked some sweet looking Haqqislam miniatures and used a pre-made Army List, prepared by the armie’s owner (another old friend from MAS). We picked a simple scenario, which would compliment the Terrain, already set up on the table. Made Command Rolls (I won) and started the dance of war. This was my first game against Qapu Khalqi so I decided to keep Deployment. Wanted to see what would be fielded against me – before I could decide what to do about that. Jezus decided he will start then, and set up his army first, on the side appointed by me. Qapu Khalqi looked rather regular, with some nice 360* Odalisque chicks (in my opinion defenders), a link, a doc, some FO’s here and there, three Yuan Yuans and a MSV2 HMG guy. This one could become a real problem so I deployed covering him with five ARO’s including both Intruders and some Linked troops. That was supposed to deliver my victory along with supremacy over that sweet looking battlefield.
J Jezus's 1st turn:
That also prooved to be my undoing, as once the game started with me stealing two orders from Jezus’s Order Pool – I was shocked to see a Smoke Grenade landing before HMG DJANBAZAN! Damn – that is a second time I was took by surprise with a Smoke – being sure that Corregidor (using the same tactic) is somehow Smoke-proof. I totally missjudged the situation and deployed like target-practice against a superior firepower. First shot took down my MSR Intruder (I made an ARO and failed), while soon after some of my Alguacils followed (Unconcious). Jezus ate my Crazy Koalas with a Nasmat rush – then used Odalisque to annihilate my Moran. He also seized the central Antenna. After that I lost another Intruder. Ended up with both Intruders DEAD along with Spec Ops. Two out of four remaining Alguaciles were Unconcious. In that state I started my first turn.
N Nazroth's 1st turn:
I tried to make the best out of this situation. Used Daktari to revive both fallen Alguaciles (Lupe being one of them), then using Tomcat Doctor to (what I thought would be) outflank enemy forces. I lost my Tomcat but managed to send one Odalisque to Unconcious. I reformed a Link with four remaining Alguaciles and managed to overshoot second Odalisque, Husam and Djanbazan one by one. I also managed to seize the closest Antenna, made some reshuffle then ended up my turn.
J Jezus's 2nd turn:
Jezus’s turn was more about healing, with one Odalisque getting back on her feet. Yuan Yuans were advancing, alongside a Camo Marker. Due to lack of most of my heavy hitters my ARO’s were somehow diminished with Qapu Khalqi’s superior firepower. Linked Ghulams advanced and seized another Antenna, still I managed to loose Lupe Balboa to a HMG Ghulam’s mad firepower… She was meant to seize the central Antenna, so I had to change my plans a bit…
N Nazroth's 2nd turn:
My second turn was to be Lunokhods great debiut. He managed to survive, hidden in the District5 Warehouse, and I used that huge cover to get him into position. One Yuan Yuan went down, peppered with Heavy Shotgun shells. I smoked the way forward and sent Lunokhod advancing. I hoped to burn Ghulams to a crips and dig deep into enemy lines, so that Alguacil Hacker, or Daktari be able to get to the cenrtal Console and seize it. Just when I got close to Linked Ghulams I felt like something was wrong. I knew that this was my last line of offence – once dead, I had no means to actually keep the enemy out of the Antennas. I pimped Lunokhod with Marksman L2 and went to eliminate a single Ghulam FO that was keeping watch over his fellows. That’s when it strucked me – I was sure that a single fck’n Critical Hit would end this action – I said it aloud and THAT’S WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED merely seconds later. (OH GOD WHY?!?!?). At that point I was sure to loose this game. Still – show must go on. I tried to move my Hacker closer to the central Antenna, was cought off-guard by enemy Hacker, but managed to Burn his Brain in responce. (That was the first time ever, when I killed enemy Hacker with an actual Hacker Attack!). I went Sup.Fire with my Hacker and ended my turn.
J Jezus's 3rd turn:
Jezus moved his troops into position, fullfilled a ‘Telemetry’ Classified Objective, tried to overshoot my HMG Alguacil, but lost with three Ghulams in a row, depleeting his Command Token pool and achieving much less than we both anticipated. He finally killed my HMG speciallist, then repositioned his troops and took another Nomad life – Alguacil Hacker was dead.
N Nazroth's 3rd turn:
With not much orders left I tried to figure out a plan that would let me grab the Antenna, I so desperately needed to win. I started with a Jaguar, smoking the way, then moving and smoking some more – and finally moving firward with last smoke grenade being thrown – and failed with a roll of 19. That screwed the plan, as with a final grenade in place I coul’v easily move Alguacil Paramedic to the Antenna and make two attempts of seizing it. Without the final smoke – this game became a gambit. I moved Paramedic forward to the limits of the second Smoke Grenade, then went down, moved two inches and ended up with a final order to try and seize the Antenna. I went for it – with three ARO’s received in response – ALL FAILED! The final roll – I seized the Antenna! OMG – that was so fortunate! I did not believe in this one and was more than happy to see it actually worked! The rush of adrenaline was so intense that I almost jumped. It got even better when I saw that this last move took my Paramedic into ZOC of enemy HVT and I was able to grab an additional point for it.
The game ended up with my forces depleted, but victorious. Two Antennas and one C.O. vs one Antenna and one C.O. meant I won 7 to 4.
Hero of the match: Alguacil Paramedic – for sure!
Worst performance: Nazroth, for playing it like a retard… XD
This was a fantastic game against a cool opponent. I do appreciate the fact I was able to play on legendary MAS gameboard, surrounded all over by my favorite hobby. If theres a Disneyland of Wargaming – that certainly was one for me. Can’t wait to visit Gdańsk once again!
In case of any questions about the terrain performance, or just about the game – feel free to comment!
And be sure to Commend me HERE 😛
Go Go Nomads!
The long awaited moment is finally here – I acquired all the materials necessary to proceed with “The Colony Special Project”! Somewhere along this month I have received packages filled with stuff from Titan Forge, Reycast and Micro Art Studio. Each time I got one, I almost jumped out of my pants with excitement, but kept my precious ‘bitz’ for later, when all the components be here. 26th of April the last delivery arrived and not being able to wait any moment longer, I jumped straight to this project! By the way – if you need to catch up to this project – visit “The Colony” Special Project part ONE, TWO or THREE. If you are like ‘Show me more of this stuff, now!’ then proceed below…
The longer I waited for the missing parts, the more ideas came to my mind. More designs were added to the toll and I kept ordering stuff from Micro Art Studio and Reycast. In my mind’s eye “The Colony” gaming table was expanding with each new addition. Having some of the parts at my immediate disposal, inspired me to improve some early solutions, along with creating new ones…
This one came to me just like that – one day I was totally happy with the way my cap-made barrels worked, next I was disgusted by how limited the idea was. My barrels were firm structures, with uncomfortable bases, difficult to shape them into a bigger mass. The solution was obvious – I had to get rid of the bases somehow. Still a base was the only thing that kept the barrels together and I really didn’t wanted to keep each barrel separate. (Which would be totally unplayable, with all the barrels moving around etc.) So I decided to improve, rather than remove the bases – a quick drawing and Micro Art Studio was working with my new design.
Using these re-designed bases let me combo my barrels in many new ways, while maintaning their firm and durable form.
Somewhere between second and third part of this article I felt like something is amiss. Some vital part of gaming tables designed for Infinity that I hadn’t thought about. The ‘Objective Room’ – that was it! So important, yet I totally forgot about it when preparing my initial designs. I started thinking about choosing an Objective Room from among all the cool looking terrain provided by many different companies. In the end I couldn’t find any that would fit into “The Colony”. I wanted to implement something that would compliment all the sparkling holo-ads used to fill this gaming table at some point. In addition to that, I’m not a fan of roofed Objective Rooms. These should be of infinite height and I really wanted to design an objective room that could be considered to fill the role, not being a scyscraper at the same time. I’ve figured out to use a force field theme! It was perfect in it’s simplicity and would go well with holo-ads. In order to keep the cubic force field in the theme of “The Colony” I’ve designed a base that would be used to contain it. Just imagine a futuristic city space, where a permanent force fields are set up in the key locations, like around the antennas, some military consoles etc. VIP’s have access to these, while regular citizens are denied entry. So that’s the bassic idea of my Objective Room. It was made into reality by the courtesy of Micro Art Studio, which used my initial scetch to provide me with the final product. Just take a look at it…
The idea on the paper:
Pieces have arrived:
The base for the force field: Built using a method of errors and corrects, using one MDF piece as a universal ruler and the idea as an actual instruction…
Objective room – closed doors (access denied):
Objective Room – open doors (access granted):
Ingame pictures:
I really do like the end result, and cannot wait to paint this stuff. If anyone is interrested in purchasing one – please contact Micro Art Studio. It is somehow exclusive with a price set to around 50€ and that’s because of the production costs. Still I’d love to see my own design on some random battle report pictures around the internet. I hope that some of you will find the price sufficient and purchase one of these.
Up from the start the idea was to decorate my buildings, at some point, with use of cool looking stuff like vents, doors etc. My buildings are tall and without some detail – could look really intimidating and cold. In order to breathe life into my gaming table I had to forfeit a small percentage of my terrain’s playability tho. This decision was not an easy one, but in the end – once I started to decorate with common stuff – I just couldn’t force myself to stop and started adding some sweet looking details like food booths and Robo-Prostitues enclosed in special display casings. I also decided to distinct both big buildings by giving them a theme. One became a “GO GO NOMADS!” night club, while the other became a small restaurant center.
Robo-Prostitutes displays: The idea goes like this: I liked Karakuri miniatures, ordered them to use them at some point, still didn’t had any idea how. Once they came, I figured to display them around the strip club. I made some simple math, asked Reycast to cut some pieces for me and once they came in, used some trash to complete my designs. In meantime I already painted Karakuris, leaving their weapons in place (Cause this is a Nomad club, and Nomads do love guns just as much as the robo-chicks!)
“GO GO NOMADS!” strip club: Is still being decorated, but I can show you how it looks by now. Will have to prepare some of the bitz to finish decorating tho – and I also ordered two larger Holo-Ads with club’s name – Will have to wait for these…
“Astro-Gastro Center”: The whole idea was about a big building with couple of food booths in it’s bowls. I had some leftovers from Zen Terrain’s food booth, along with some trash I used to create my won mini-bars. Some of them simple, while others with their personal theme and all. And here’s where I would like to stop this part of “THE COLONY” SPECIAL PROJECT article. I will leave you with shis little teaser. (Hope you don’t mind.)
I do hope to see you soon in the next part of “THE COLONY” SPECIAL PROJECT article. Keep your fingers crossed for me, as there’s a lot of work awaiting my attention. In meantime, feel free to ask any questions about this project – here, or at my Facebook.
Ever been in a situation when you really wanted to work on a certain project but couldn’t? I just found myself in such. I’m almost ready to paint my gaming table, with almost all of the pieces already assembled. I even purchased a big stock of sprays and paints required to complete “The Colony” in one go. (Yup – at this point I already picked a perfect Colour Scheme for “The Colony”, being White-Creeme with addition of Grey and Orange elements.) If you read “The Colony” Special Project part two – then you know that once I’m into something – I usually do it at once, regardless of weariness and time required to do it. This time I feel like a trapped animal. The erge to continue my project is killing me, but I cannot proceed without vital pieces that are still to arrive. That’s why I decided to deceive the system.
Being unable to proceed with “The Colony” buildings I focused on add-ons instead. I had some cool ideas for new ‘filler’ type terrain pieces, along with some old ones that needed refitting. If you have a gaming table than you know that buildings provide a variety of different levels and shooting corridors, but it is the fillers that build up the table’s theme and atmosphere. Just take a look at this picture:
Looks kinda empty doesn’t it? Well that’s because it is completely devoid of climate. Just like my old ‘White Boxes’ were. Ok – it is still very playable, with all the additional features, but for a gaming table to have a soul – there must be a plenty of small, sweet looking fillers to attrack the sight. As I am very impressed with Zen Terrain’s design, I decided to incorporate some of their style and colour scheme around my rather industrialised, cumbersome buildings.
Not much to say about these, except for a fact that they are just awesome – It’s love from the first sight 🙂
Micro Art Studio’s Kickstarter campaign just finished and I’m sure to purchase some of their new fillers. What I like the most are standing tripple-holo-ads and benches, but since these are not available for purchase right now – I concentrated on repainting a set of best in the market MAS Holo-Ads. One cannot complete an Infinity Gaming Table if one does not possess these!
I already had a lot of fillers made for my previous gaming table. You can see them all in Tutorial: ‘Do it Yourself’ Gaming Terrain article. All of them could use some additional paint job, or rebasing to better suit the new theme, but the ones that needed it the most were: medium sized walls and (my favorite) futuristic sculptures. I really wanted to provide them with some extra love, cause they looked like this:
I invested some time to redevelop these pieces, adding cool looking plants and a new-themed paint job. I also used a Zen-based pieces to solidify the theme. The end result is exactly as it should – futuristic & juicy.
Inspiration strikes like a lightning and I’m pumped with urge of creation. New ideas come and go – some of them just too good to be skipped. One of such ideas came to me more than a year ago, when I saw a pile of leaflets. These were so ‘Infinity’ styled, that I took couple to use them at some point. As it happened – now, with a new project on the run – these funny, 3d hologram leaflets were perfect to base a terrain piece on. Just some PCV, MDF pieces and twenty minutes provided me with two of these:
Another idea came to me last week, during shower. It sounds stupid, but once you see the end result, you won’t be laughting 🙂 This was certainly the best idea of 2016, yet to be beaten. Infinity 3d Consoles instead of usual tokens, born out of thin air in a matter of two days.
You can read some more about how these were made in Tutorial: Infinity DIY Console. If you like them – be sure to spread the word, so that more people will see them 🙂
Having so much terrain pieces left me with a dilemma of what to do with some of them. Gaming on “White Boxes” required a lot of playable fillers to expand table’s properties. Now, with brand new design some pieces are too big, or too many to be used. Still don’t know if I should try to sell these, strip bare and re-use the parts or redesign against reason…
Now you have seen all the fillers I currently worked on. Why are they so important? Well… do you still remember that poor looking terrain at the top of this article? Take a look at this and tremble with ecstatic shiver!
There were supposed to be at least three parts of this article. With outdoor Objective Room in development, buildings awaiting some substantial parts, new table’s playability being regularly tested, Now I’m pretty sure that two to three more are yet to come. Who knows – If I have to wait more for a delivery of resin pieces – I might loose some of my sanity but also come up with some more ideas! Stay tuned for “THE COLONY” SPECIAL PROJECT part four!
Last time I wrote about how “The Colony” Special Project came to life. A road from a tiny speck of an idea to a fully developed gaming table is a long one and I just begun my travel. I have gathered almost all of the items required to build my terrain set. I have revised my ideas and made peace with some circumstantial decisions. I was ready to start the construction process!
It all happened so quickly. One day I was engaged in my usual activities, painting miniatures, checking out facebook, writing articles… The other I got up to find myself knee deep in bitz, terrain elements, empty glue bottles and with my hands thickened with too much of dried out glue. It was as much glorious as scary. I couldn’t stop. Half kneeling on the ground, due to my workdesk being currently occupied with THIS – I felt like a child playing LEGO. Well – when inspiration comes a man is gotta do what a man is gotta do – I let myself be swallowed by passion and worked till all the buildings were ready to enter next stage.
So – this is what I had to work with. My ‘white boxes’ in all their glory. So many different sizes, that excluding six thin ones, no two are alike! I really love these boxes. Thanks to them I was able to play a lot of Infinity games and they received a really good feedback from my oponents. Of course I adorned them with different smaller terrain pieces for the purpose of quality gaming. Still these are my favorites and I can’t imagine gaming at my place with a different buildings set. That was the main reason why I choose to expand their properties instead of exchanging the whole set…
Fortunatelly for me both ReyCast and Micro Art Studio delivered a variety of cool pieces required to evolve my ‘to be’ buildings. It wasn’t easy and took over twelve hours to achieve, but I prevailed – I sorted all the pieces, counted them, divided them into groups (a separate group for each building type), marked my ‘white boxes’ for their corresponding rooftops and started putting walls together. A single test building at first, then whole set. I knelt on the ground, surrounded by a gaming table comming to life all around me…
Test building,
Mass production,
Somewhere about twelve hours, five Army Painter’s Super Glues spilled on my hands, their fumes stuck firm in my nosdrils, thousands of MDF pieces put together, dozen back hurts, hunders sporradic insane scientist’s laughters and one sympathetic look on my wife’s face, later – I was finally done! Done both literally and methaphisically, as my evil slavemaster – the muse – pushed me into yet another task. Battered, with my hands dirty and glued, with my head being dizzy – I started to write the first part of this article. I wasn’t even sure if it will be interresting to other hobbyists – just needed to write it. Couldn’t stop. Some of you know this feel for sure. But I’m starting to miss the topic – My gaming table was finally taken one step further on a road to it’s ultimate form.
Base layering stage is now complete. The buildings are ready to enter next stage, which is external layering along with addition of some cool looking details. Unfortunatelly I can’t proceed before receiving my order from the Titan-Forge. I don’t mind it, as except for the muse nagging me to work on this project, there’s no reason to rush things. At least I’m able to game on my good ol’ gaming table, taking advantage of all these cool new features. I just can’t wait to test these buildings next week. I’m sure they will not dissapoint me! If I’m lucky – delivery will come right after next game and I’ll be able to proceed to “THE COLONY” SPECIAL PROJECT part three. Keep your fingers crossed for me 😉
Hello there my awesome readers! As some of you may know – I play Infinity the Game. A new form of global Campaign is currently on the run – you can check it out at OPERATION: FLAMESTRIKE, but for now I invite you to read my latest blog entry – a Battle Report from my Campaign game against Yu Jing army!
LOCATION: Zhurong Power Plant
SCENARIO: Engineering Deck
ARMY: Nazroth – Corregidor vs Garran – Yu Jing,
This time I took my Corregidor on a ride to a Chełmża city, close by. There’s a strong gaming community there along with an arsenal of terrain and a pretty awesome gaming place – “Chełmżyński Ośrodek Klutury” (Chełmża’s Culture Center) – CHOK. I game there from time to time, participating in a local Infinity league. We all agreed in advance to use Flamestrike rules so this time I was prepared, with my Camera being on standby, notes and destined scenario at hand. I arrived just in time to form a pair with a local Warcor – Garran, which happend to be a great coincidence, as we haven’t had chance to game against each other yet! We both agreed to fight for Zhurong Power Plant. (I was eager to finally play a scenario that I failed to pick last time while Garran is a Yu Jing player – so the choice was pretty obvious.)
Along with some small talk we have exchanged our open information and rolled Wip’s. My Leutenant failed (as usual) and I was thrown into defensive by Garran’s decision to keep the initiative. (I actually like to play second as both my roster and game style are mostly defensive. Playing a rather ‘shooty & tricky’ army I tend to deny the field to enemy, covering vital movement/shooting corridors with Koalas and firepower. Once my Reactive turn is over I move to eliminate high value threats with precise amount of offense power. It works for me most of the time.)
I used the opportunity to pick up the Deployment Zone, and asked Garran to deploy first. He covered both sides of his Deployment Zone with specialists and the Yao Zao’s. He also hid Kuang Shi’s and set up a Rui Shi in the center of his Depzone. Now was my turn to do my tricks…
Seeing a rather symmetric deployment I choose to keep left flank covered with my Alguacil Link. They had a really nice, covered spot there and were deployed to ARO one Cuang Shi and Rui Shi at the first sign of movement. Having Rui Shi covered I deployed my MSR Intruder on the high spot, far to the right – adding an ARO punch against Rui Shi if needed and covering the whole right side of the table. HMG Intruder is both my agressive unit and backup in case of Sniper’s death so I deployed him in the middle of my Depzone along with a Daktari and one Smoke-giving Jaguar. While Daktari was close to one Objective Console I choose to cover another one with Alguacil Hacker, hidden just around a corner on the right. Moran Maasai Hunter infiltrated a nice spot outside the Objective Room, with both Koalas being spread wide and in cover. I also hid my last Jaguar behind a small piece of cover and hoped for the best.
Garran made a wise decision and deployed Su Jian from reserve onto my right flank (far away from my death dealing Link).
I responded with a counter-unit, hiding Lunokhod behind a high wall on the same flank as Su Jian. I made my prayers and let him enter the sloughterhouse…
G Garran 1st turn:
– I use a Command Token to restraint Su Jian’s wild charge (-2 Orders from the 1st Combat Group).
The game then started for good with Garran’s Impetous units.
– Firstblood went to Lupe Balboa for obliterating Shaolin with a short burst from her Combi-Rifle.
– Soon after one of Kuang Shis followed to the land of the dead, guided by missiles from Alguacil’s HMG.
(I have deployed after Garran so I covered these miniatures with ARO’s from both girls.)
– Su Jian used the first order from it’s group, moving ahead. MSR Intruder reacted to this fast moving targed with a single round. A burst from Su Jian’s Spitfire was not enough to overshoot my “Sniper’s” Critical Hit and it lost 1 STR.
– Not intimidated, Su Jiand moved along it’s selected route and closing in for better distance against my Sniper. This time more ARO’s replied as Su Jian’s movement took it throug a path covered by HMG Intruder and one rearguard Alguacil. Let’s say that NWI state was the least punishment it could have received.
Battered and a bit helpless Su Jian Cosy cuddled behind a medium piece of cover for the time being and the action moved to the other side of the combat zone.
– Hac Tao appeared out of thin air. Both of my linked Combat Beasts (Lupe and HMG Alguacil) replied with fire, overshooting Hac Tao and peppering him with holes. One Panzerfaust hit and Hac Tao was halved in W attribute.
– Still Hac Tao is a tough bastard. Regardless of his wound he shrugged and sprayed my girls with another burst. One shot vs Lupe missed, while HMG specialist got hit with three rounds. I laughed loud while she saved all three of them. Garran not so much 🙂
– With persistence worth a commendation Hac Tao tried his best to eliminate my Link once more. This time tho HMG Alguacil went freenzy like Blain from Predator the movie and cut him down screeming!
– At that point I was pretty sure that Hac Tao’s reing has ended, but Garran corrected me with a successful heal delivered to the fallen warrior by a Yao Zao standing in base contact, just behind a short wall. (“not again” – I thought, seeing this behemoth of steel rising up from the ashes and threatening my Alguacils once more.) For the worst of it – a successful healing provided Garran with a Victory Point as he choose ‘Experimental Drug’ as one of his Hidden Objectives!
– The sounds of fire begun anew whith Hac Tao shooting three rounds against my HMG specialist and one vs Lupe. Both girsl survived and I decided to fail Guts Roll and let them rest behind a cover for a bit. (Shame to loose them at this point, where one solid burst of 5 could cut down that Hac Tao bastard for good at my turn).
– I turned out that Garran was waiting just for that, as soon after he moved his Rui Shi and forced my ARO’ing MSR Intruder into a defensive.
– A bit late, still Celestial Guard Hacker buffed Rui Shi with Marksmanship L2, thus increasing it’s chance against my covered long-barreled killer. One Critical Hit later my MRS Intruder was a memory as his headless carcass fell to the ground.
– Free of his terror Su Jian came to life once again, leaning out of cover and shooting against second Intruder, who replied with an ARO but achieved nothing.
– With most of my forces occupied by hiding behind cover the field was clear for Garran’s forces to advance. Keisotsu Paramedic choose this moment to climb the stairs and connect a Console (YJ table half, on my right flank).
– Last ‘Irregular’ Order sought my Jaguar being slain by advancing Has Tao, as Garran exchanged it for a Regular one with a Command Token.
TURN 1 SUMMARY: Lost: Shaolin, Kuang Shi, / Killed: Intruder MSR, Jaguar Chain, / Objective: 1 Console, 1 Hidden (experimental Drug),
N Nazroth 1st turn:
With order count of 8/4 and two miniatures lost I was sure to hit back hard. Advancing enemy forces were exactly where I wanted them – with their fronts turned to my forces. Both Hac Tao and Su Jian were bleeding out with a single hit required to send them flying. Discarding these two, only Rui Shi was posing a threat to my strike units (Lunokhod and HMG Intruder). I waged my options and opened with a gambit:
– I moved onto the board with a Tomcat Engineer (left flank, behind Hac Tao and Toketsu Engineer) forsing them to either turn around or face certaind doom. To my surprise Engineer failed to face the newcomer, while Hac Tao turned a bit just to see my Tom’C if he decided to climb the building wall and get him.
– I then moved the action onto the central part of my Depzone, where Jaguar crawled a bit and smoked the way for HMG Intruer.
TURN 1 SUMMARY: Tomcat Engineer, / Killed: Celestial Guard (KSCD), Rui Shi, Tokusetsu Engineer, Hac Tao (u), / Objectives: 1 Console,
Garran: Lost: Shaolin, Kuang Shi, Celestial Guard (KSCD), Rui Shi, Tokusetsu Engineer, Hac Tao (u) / Objective: 1 Console, 1 Hidden (Experimental Drug),
Nazroth: Lost: Intruder MSR, Jaguar Chain, Tomcat Engineer, / Objectives: 1 Console,
G Garran 2nd turn:
– Loss of Leutenant saw Garran’s forces in dissaray. Impetous warriors moved and lost yet another of their brethren due to HAM Alguacil’s fire.
– Toketsu Doctor moved Yao Zao risking G:servant’s life in an attemt to heal Hac Tao. With a final effort Yao Zao bringed Hac Tao from the verge of death, then his lights went off ang he stop moving himself. Both Alguacil girls made surethat it won’t heal anyone else.
– The dance of death begun anew as Hac Tao tried his chances vs my girls with no avail, as my indestructible ladies rolled saves, laughing wildly. (One Irregular Order exchanged for a Regular with Command Token.)
– Garran made his last attemt so silent my Linked heroines, exchanging his last Command Token. This time HMG Alguacil had no mercy and cut Hac Tao’s body in half with a concentraded fire from her Heavy MG’.
– An order later Su Jian avenged his death by slaying my second Intruder.
– Having nothing better to do Guilang opened the door to the Security Room.
TURN 2 SUMMARY: Lost: Kuang Shi, Hac Tao, Yao Zao (doc), / Killed: Intruder HMG, / Objectives: Objective: 1 Console, 1 Hidden (Experimental Drug),
N Nazroth 2nd turn:
Left with no Intruders I had only one universal assault unit at my disposal – the Lunokhod. With order count of 7/4 I left the things be and started activations.
– I first tried to eliminate a potential threat to my Lunokhod in form of enemy Hacker. I used my own Hacker to do that, shuffling him behind cover and sending a burst meant for the hostile unit. He dodged and hid from LOF.
– Now I could move Lunokhod from behind his initial cover, so he went straight for Su Jian. I kept him hidden, occasionally shooting enemy Hacker once he was revealed. First attempt failed as Lunokhod’s Heavy Shotgun range is rather short, but I hit the mark during another activation. I also los a Koala, who was careless enough to cross Su Jian’s line of fire.
– Third Lunokhod’s activation took him out into Su Jian’s ARO but Heavy Shotgun prooved to be enough to finally slay the beast.
(Enemy in retreat and with Loss of Leutenant – I moved to gain advantage in Objective Points. Zhurong Power Plant and Nomad’s wellbeing were on the line!).
– I cleared the path killing a Guilang FO with a single Burst of ‘5’ shot by Alguacil HMG specialist.
– Path cleared, Moran Maasai Hunter broke into the Security Room and Connected central Console at second attempt.
– Alguacil Hacker followed, moving forward and connetcing the Console on my right flank.
– I was left with no competitive options, but to try and complete my Hidden Objectives which was “Experimental Drug” (lol, yea, whatever) and “HVT: Designation”. I went for the last one, first leaning Mooran out of the Security Room and targeting enemy HVT, then using him as a repeater for Alguacil Hacker and Spotlight’ing the target with my final order.
TURN 2 SUMMARY: Lost: none, / Killed: Celestial Guard Hacker, Su jian, Guilang FO, Objectives: 3 Consoles, 1 Hidden (HVT: Designation),
Garran: Lost: Shaolin, 2x Kuang Shi, Celestial Guard (KSCD), Rui Shi, Tokusetsu Engineer, Hac Tao, Yao Zao (doc), Su jian, Celestial Guard Hacker, Guilang FO, / Objective: 1 Console, 1 Hidden (Experimental Drug),
Nazroth: Lost: Intruder MSR, Jaguar Chain, Tomcat Engineer, Intruder HMG, / Objectives: 3 Consoles, 1 Hidden (HVT: Designation),
G Garran 3rd. turn:
Garran’s forces were in Retreat along with a Loss of Leutenant. (Which was the missfortunate Guilang FO.)
Not many options with both Kuang Shi being far away from combat, and near to all specialist troops gone.
– Garran took a final attempt of earning Victory Points by mowing his regular Keisotsu into my HVT’s Zone of Control. The plan failed by Keisotsu being shredded with ARO fire from my Alguacil Link.
No need for further actions – we shook hands of one another and counted our remaining points.
TURN 3 SUMMARY: Lost: Keisotsu, / Killed: none, / Objectives: 1 Console, 1 Hidden (Experimental Drug),
Garran: Lost: Shaolin, 2x Kuang Shi, Celestial Guard (KSCD), Rui Shi, Tokusetsu Engineer, Hac Tao, Yao Zao (doc), Su jian, Celestial Guard Hacker, Guilang FO, Keisotsu, / Objective: 1 Console, 1 Hidden (Experimental Drug),
Nazroth: Lost: Intruder MSR, Jaguar Chain, Tomcat Engineer, Intruder HMG, / Objectives: 3 Consoles, 1 Hidden (HVT: Designation),
I got back home around 16:30, sat straight to this Battle Report. It’s past 23:00 now so as you can see – writing something like that is a lot of work. I really respect the work of guys from Corvus Belli and other cool content authors, as right now I want only to take a bath and ‘Reset’ 🙂 Hope you like my article – be sure to ‘Commend it’ at Flamestrike Campaign official site 😉
First of all I would like to announce that this project is huge. It is wast on a scale not seen here at ever before. The genesis of this project reaches January 2015, yet back then, I didn’t knew how things will go for this particular concept. To think that it started with a bunch of hardboard boxes being sprayed white makes me wanna laught. Right now some of you may recall ‘white boxes’ from my Tutorial: ‘Do it yourself’ Gaming Terrain. That is the right course of thinking as that gaming terrain and this Special Project have a particular thing in common – “Infinity the Game”. The hero of this article is none other than INFINITY GAMING TABLE: “THE COLONY”.
At first it was supposed to be, a cheap and easy to make, gaming terrain set. Me and my friends were hyped for Infinity and needed a proper table with a variety of terrain pieces. I am a man of action so in few days I had my first Infinity Gaming Table fully thinked through and half way done. The terrain set expanded steadily throughout the year to finally crystallize into a fully developed and densely packed gaming table. That was the end of stage one and a beggining of an entirely new concept. In the late 2015 I was pretty much sure that my gaming table is very playable. I got a lot of feedback from more experienced gamers and got to know Infinity as much as to make a final decision – I decided to use both my financial and material resources to transform my gaming table into a new and extraoridinary form. Once again I was overwhelmed by the need of creation and started to work…
The easiest and most effective way to improove my existing terrain was to prepare a template for basic pieces and then use them to decorate my ‘white boxes’. The ideas came to me one by one and it took less than two hours to cut a sample for each type of piece needed. As they say – “One’s man trash is another’s man treasure” and that is more than true as I supported myself with some trash left out of Micro Art Studio’s bridge set. All the basic pieces you now see, were made using just a couple of HMD leftovers and a hobby knife. This way I prepared two major templates:
Walls: Designed as 7/11cm pieces to let me decorate each and every ‘white box’ from all sides. Some additional fillers were also designed, to fill the space, if a box happens to be too long for a certain number af wall pieces. I hoped to keep wall pieces separate to let players position their miniatures in selective cover, move with causions movement etc. Once these were done I used some Warhammer 40,000 bitz to see how the overall will look before painting. It passed the test.
Bridges: It seemed that all the bridges in the market lacked something. In my opinion they were either cool looking and not very playable or playable but ugly. Left with no other choice I designed my own bridge to fit into my new gaming table theme and provide a good cover.
Now the only matter to attend was to copy these templates a dozen times and more. At that moment I knew that to achieve my goal I will need some help…
I went forth and back through Facebook in search of possible allies. An obvious choice appeared in form of who evidently had hype for Infinity terrain and seemed to be an honest guy. Not only he prooved to be just that but also joined me in my quest for glory. Once I provided him with my prototype he took the burden of drawing and then producing a Bridge. He also designed roofs that would later be used for my ‘white boxes’ and all for a really fair price.
My initial drawing and prototype:
ReyCast did a magnificent work for me and I was very satisfied with the results. The one thing he couldn’t provide was quantity. I required only couple of bridges and roofs but the walls – pieces varried in quantity from thirty up to four hundred with a total of over one and a half thousand pieces! We both decided that it would be better if I try and find another provider for these.
Thus I went straight to my good old friends from Micro Art Studio. We have a history me and MAS – For long time we gamed Warhammer 40,000 together at many tournaments. At some point I used to order a lot of different things from them including gaming tokens, bases and designs ‘for demand’. The final product they provided was always of the best quality and good price. Now I wonder why didn’t I go to them in the first place – but, spur of a moment – ReyCast was there, he was eager to cooperate and I was in the middle of my creation battle rage. I do not regret it as ReyCast did a hell of a good job for me and hopefully not for the last time. So I sent my project to Micro Art Studio and well… must say that they delivered in a crazy, fckn’ awesome way!
My initial drawings and prototype:
Final product:
And the package… I felt like if I had my tenth birthday. Let’s say that the guys from MAS bought my eternal loyalty and gratitude.
For the final set of pieces – an enormous quantity of ventilators, electric boxes and other stuff used to decorate, I went to my friends fom Titan Forge. They possess both the technology and expertise needed to provide me with such quantity. Unfortunatelly I’m still waiting for this gargantuan order to be fulfilled – but hopefully I won’t be waiting long.
In modelling you never know what you will need unless you stumble upon it by accident. For me it happened during a local Infinity Tournament where I stumbled upon a gaming table designed by Zen Terrain. Soon after that, I purchased a set of sweet looking Neon City Signs and Planters. Surely I could have made my own but Zen Terrain has a unique desing that I just fell in love with.
I also ordered a set of plants to use in the end step of decorating my gaming table. As it happened the courier delivered these in less than two hours after MAS’s package came in. I was just finnishing a test building which can be seen in the picture below 🙂
After two months of waiting I was finally able to lay my hands on most of the items needed to continue my project. I managed to wall-up all the ‘white boxes’ which from now on are no more boxes, but buildings. All bridges are also done. I’m eager to share some pictures, but it is really late and I’m weary after over twelve hours of terrain making. “This projecs it huge” and it deserves at least three entries as much as I deserve some sleep. Let this building be a glorious end of the first part of this article. See you soon in “THE COLONY” SPECIAL PROJECT part two 😉
Being a Wargaming hobbyist is not always related to miniature painting. Some of us just like to collect miniatures, others enjoy competitive play. There are those who do not feel joy of having a brush in one hand and a miniature in the other all the time. That doesn’t make them any less a ‘hobbyist’ than the actual painters. Needless to say that regardless of what makes us into true hobbyists we have one important thing in common: we love miniatures.
Having that in mind I’ve prepared something not exactly related to painting miniatures. It is a small Tutorial about Preparation before an ‘Infinity the game’ Tournament. A preparation that in my opinion is especially important from the ‘beginners’ point of view but will benefit all the players present at the evet, and here’s why:
The game lives on as long as it sells and it sells as long as it’s fun. ‘Fun’ is the principal of hobby, still a lot of players consider miniature wargaming tournaments of being ‘all about competitive play’. The fact that both sides should have the same amount of fun is pushed to back burner as once the adrenaline kicks in, there’s no thinking about ‘what the oponent feels?’ – only what he ‘thinks’ and only if related to the current game 🙂 Sometimes that leads to stressful situations or even unpleasant behavior. On the other hand there are players more interrested in throwing some dice and moving miniatures enjoying scenario flavor and nice looking scenery pieces. These happen to misstriger some reactions, forget rules or equipment vital to play the game according to the rulebook. So in order to bring fun to the tournament and have some fun ourselves we shoud both prepare mentally and grab some gear for the upcomming event.
Mental Conditioning: First of all try to think about what the opponent feels? Off course it won’t be fun to be massacred by some unpainted ‘tournament ready in 15 minutes’ miniatures of a guy who ‘must win this one to get to top 3’. Stone face and lack of sense of humour is your’s enemy as much as it is for your opponent, regardless of which kind of player you face. At the same time have in mind what’s going on in your opponent’s head while you shift back movements and can’t make your mind for what seems to be an eternity. Or while you whine about your opponent’s miniatures being unpainted and how ‘devoid of climate’ that is instead of facing this match like a man.
– You play against ‘non competitive flavor snail’? Even when you behave nice and point out some vital rules, that your opponent may to forget, try adding a joke or some short battlefield anegdote to smooth the atmosphere. It is possible to win literally obliterating oponents army and still to achieve fun for both sides. Try to keep your adrenaline glands dormant as once they flare up you only worsen the opponent’s reaction time.
– You play against a ‘rookie’? Keep the atmosphere calm and friendly having in mind your own first tournament experience. Try not to use tournament slang and abbreviations – your opponent nodding does not have to mean he understands what you said. Tutour your oponent (ok, do it after some actions have been taken so he learns on mistakes) to help him understand what did just happened but also to become a better opponent for the future matches. This way you also become a better player.
– You play against a ‘tight ass pro’? Don’t treat some rules as not obligatory, for example be thorough while moving your miniatures (don’t steal some vital inches due to being lazy). Be calm and accurate but at the same time try to decide fast even if it costs you a loss of confidence on the table. Better to loose and learn from your opponent than to win and stagnate without evolving your skills. Remember that once you estabilish an accurate form of contact you will be able to ask some vital questions thus fastening the game and having less difficulties with making important decisions.
– You play against ‘Luck’? Don’t be angry at dice. This game is all about RNG, also luck is a bitch. You will take your time to position a sniper in full advantage just to be taken out by a stupid pistol’s ARO while at the same time some Combi Rifle grunt will multikill on a spree! Infinity is just ‘that kind of a game’. Deal with it or move on to ther systems;)
– Clock is ticking! Keep track of time as you may be the one overthinking too much.
– Hands off! Under any circumstances do not touch opponent’s miniatures unless he lets or asks you to.
– Obtain certainty! Ask your opponent for any ARO’s or other actions available to him so that he won’t misstriger. Have in mind that the harder it is to win the better player you’ll become.
– Buckle up and disengage! When game ends just pack your stuff and report results to a judge. Then transfer your things to a neutral place (parapet, empy table…). Most people tend to leave their belongings scattered around the table and dissapear to be late for another round. In that case you being late and unprepared means that four players, yourself included, will be awaiting while you chaotically collect your stuff from around the table.
– Keep noting! Write down every major choices so that there won’t be any doubt about them. For example which Camouflage Marker reffer to which miniature etc.
! Additional tip - Read the official Infinity Tournament System rules and Scenarios that will be played at the event.
Gear Preparation: Gaming is so much easier when you don’t have to borrow stuff from all the peeps at the tournament. Usually it’s also much faster! Being professional does not mean that you go straight for Power Gaming, it means to play according to the rules thus reducing a number of conflicts to a minimum.
Pro: If you consider yourself a Pro then I don’t need to tell you of how important some of this stuff actually is. You probably own your personal tournament set and know your own ways of waging war.
Rookie: One of the reasons why Infinity is such a great game is that you don’t have to spend a lot of cash on a bunch of useless items (say ‘hi’ to Games Workshop from me) and can focus your finances on miniatures instead. Rulebook, Unit Profiles, Unit Silhouettes, Tokens and Markers are all printable. Just fallow to Download section at Even the Classyfied Objective Deck is not obligatory as rulebook includes a special table that you may use instead! That leaves you with some vital stuff like Tape Meausure, Dice, Templates and off course Miniatures to obtain. So regardless of what kind of Tournament Gear you have – it’s time to pack it correctly.
– Pack your bag! Try to pack your bag/box to the optimum. An optimal packed bag will let you move swiftly on the tournament ground, embark your miniatures fast after the game (to let other use the same table) and unpack them rapidly when facing next opponent! Some vital stuff will be within reach all the time also!
– Print an Army Roster! That goes both for your’s and ‘Courtesy’ one to show it to your opponent. A printed roster is easy to apprehend and will fasten the ‘game preparation’ process. Also you will be able to decide on strategy easier when facing plain enemy roster yourself. Did I mentioned that wothout it you won’t be able to participate?
Use ARMY program to prepare your army list and don’t forget to print ‘Courtesy’ roster for your opponent.
– Templates (‘teardrops’), Blast Markers (‘cookies’): Must have, just don’t show without them!
– Precise Measures: Precise Measure is in my opinion the most important tool of precise gaming so I recommend you bring one. It comes in handy while moving miniatures and checking their Area of Control. It makes the game a lot more pleasant.
– Tokens: Wounds, Unconsious, Prone, Regular Orders, Impetous*, Irregular Orders*, Camo*, Command Tokens (*if your army uses these) are vital to the game performance. These are must have and if you lack some cash to purchase fine versions of these – you can always print and cut yourself.
– Objective Markers: Objective Markers are not obligatory but they come in pretty handy. All for the sake of keeping track of what’s going on at the table.If you lack these yourself then probably your opponent will provide his own set, but what if he thought exactly the same?
– Silhouettes: Silhouettes* are a must have in N3 (*if your army uses these) and they tend to be used at some point in the game. They are being used if a certain Line of Fire situation is not clear. At first you will probably mean they are an inconvenience but after couple of tries you won’t be able to play without them.
– Classified Deck: This item is just awesome. All the rolling involving a special table and then searching how does a certain secondary objective works is just frustrating. You can either buy one of these along with your friends or print a copy. Whatever you choose you won’t regret!
– Laser Pointers: No more Line of Fire arguments, no more asking other players if a miniature sees another miniature, no more judge involvement needed. Fast and awesome method to check out LoF!
– Facing Markers: Facing Markers are a whim, as you can just mark facings on the miniature’s base. Still I preffer these instead of destroying smooth, black surface of my miniatures’ bases.
– Wound Rings: Wound Rings have one advantage over Wound Tokens – they fallow the miniature wherever it goes without you being involved.
– Tape Measure, Dice: These must be present. They all are vitat to the game and not taking one is like forgeting to put your pants on for the event. (Well if you actually happen to like going out without pants consider this actidentally putting them on instead!).
– Pen & Paper: Pen & Paper are important as you will be asked to write some vital information like which Camouflage Marker is related to a certain miniature etc.These ARE OBLIGATORY regardless if you consider yourself a Pro or a newbie.
– The Miniatures: Try to pack only the necessary ones and in a configuration that will be easy to access and won’t require lots of time to be deployed/swiped back.
The Rules: No one demands that you take a paperback Rulebook with you, not to mention all the errata, Paradiso, FAQ, whatever. A mobile phone with basic Rulebook.pdf will usually do. Be advised tho, as leaving on a tournament without any means of consulting a Rulebook is a mistake. Syre you may be able to memorise all the rules but I doubt that and a Rulebook is much cheaper than amphetamine.
A mobile phone with internet access to check out Infinity Wiki is also a nice thing to have.
So a lot of what must and musn’t be done here 🙂 Please remember that this is my own opinion based on personal experience acquired during over fifteen years of miniature wargaming including some world class tournaments. As for Infinity I’m still a noob so I will have to confront my ways with a bunch of tournaments but I’m sure that most of these will prove true.
Infinty Tournament Checklist:
Must haves:
– Miniatures,
– Roster for you and the opponent,*(printable)
– Pen & Paper,
– Tape Measure,
– Dice set,
– Tokens, (printable) / WHERE TO PURCHASE
– Silhouettes, (printable) / WHERE TO PURCHASE
– Templates and Blast Marker, (printable) / WHERE TO PURCHASE
– Rules,** (printable)
*- Printed Roster for you and the opponent,
– Precise Measure, / WHERE TO PURCHASE
– Objective Markers, (printable) / WHERE TO PURCHASE
– Classified Deck, (printable)
– Laser Pointer, / WHERE TO PURCHASE
**- Paperback Rulebook, (printable)
– Facing Markers, (may be painted) / WHERE TO PURCHASE
– Wound Rings, / WHERE TO PURCHASE
**- Printed Errata, FAQ,
**- Paperback/printed Paradiso etc,
Feel free to add some stuff in the comments – In the future I will gladly expand this article according to wise advice.