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Infinity Aleph

Infinity Aleph

Infinity the Game ALEPH collection painted level 4 “Chrome & Shiny” and level 5 “Witness Me!”.Zapisz


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2 comments so far

VicentePosted on7:06 pm - Apr 25, 2023

I’m the new owner of this Aleph army, and I have to say the pics do not make full justice to the paint jobs. The minis look really really good in person, and I was impressed how well packaged this was for shipping from EU to US. The package could have taken serious mishandling and I’m sure the minis would have arrived fine 🙂

Super excited to get them on the table soon!

ScarhandpaintingPosted on7:10 pm - Apr 25, 2023

Thank you Vicente. I am very serious about packaging. In my opinion there’s nothing worse than miniatures that I put so much work into and that the customer expects eagerly, arriving damaged. Loose – loose. I’m glad these found a new home where they’ll be appreciated. Good luck and happy gaming with your new collection!

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